Welcome to the Future of Dental Efficiency with Dental R.A.T.!
In the dynamic landscape of modern dentistry, innovation is the key to overcoming challenges and enhancing patient care. Introducing Dental R.A.T., your ultimate solution for hands-free, foot-operated perio charting. Imagine a world where the clinician can seamlessly record perio pocket depths without the need for an assistant.
As periodontal disease affects 80% of patients and post-pandemic staffing hurdles persist, Dental R.A.T. emerges as the game-changing answer to elevate your practice's efficiency, profitability, and patient case acceptance. This revolutionary device not only streamlines perio charting but also serves as a fully functioning mouse, helping keep the entire operatory free of cross contamination. Join us in embracing technology that empowers your team and transforms dental charting as you know it.
It doesn't matter what system you use, even cloud based, the Dental R.A.T. is the perfect tool to add to your office.
Hands-free perio charting means you free up your assistants and run a more efficient office. Improving office productivity will result in a more successful practice!
We have video training for Eaglesoft, Soft Dent, Dentrix, Easy Dental, and Open Dental, which are the most requested PMS, to see how the Dental R.A.T. works.
Demos also available, call for information (877) 278-0061.
Runs with your existing software, even cloud based!
Simple to operate - plug and play, foot operated (not voice controlled)
Wireless or can be run wired- works just like your mouse
Eliminates cross-contamination for the entire team
No monthly subscription
Increase production and case acceptance
Improve charting efficiency & accuracy
Runs intraoral camera/xrays, easily presnt cases
High ROI - pays for it's self in less than 6 months!
Free support & training