Interesting Perio Products

BY: thayne
POSTED December 16, 2011 IN

We always get to learn about new products at all the shows we go to but at the AAP Perio meeting in Miami we had some very interesting neighbors.  I thought I’d pass their info on since you might be interested in periodontal products if you are looking at the Dental R.A.T.™ to help perio chart:)  At the time the Periowave was still waiting for FDA approval; by now it could be approved but I thought I would share the info!

I know its usually very overwhelming at the meetings to visit all of the exhibits and often people feel so “attacked” by the “sales people”.  But most of us have new products that we are paying big bucks for a booth to show you and we want a chance to get to talk to as many people as we can to get the word out.  I know before I branched into the other side of hygiene into sales I didn’t realize that people paid thousands of dollars to have a booth at these meetings just to talk to me, nor did I realize most have been flying all over the country from show to show pretty much every week!  I just knew I was being treated by my doctor to get to go to a meeting and learn what I could- and have fun with the team:)

I realize a lot of offices haven’t been traveling as much lately and so I thought I’d pass on a little of what I saw new at the AAP perio meeting:)

PerioWave –

Periowave  – photodisinfection for the treatment of gum disease – Periowave™ is a non-antibiotic therapy that, unlike antibiotics, quickly destroys gram negative bacteria without promoting the development of bacterial resistance. Periowave™ does not exhibit many of the issues commonly associated with antibiotics, such as allergic or sensitivity reactions, opportunistic infections such as oral yeast infections, or the requirement to take prolonged doses of medication. As Periowave™ utilizes a cold (non-thermal), low-power diode laser as the activating light, it does not cause damage to root surfaces or surrounding tissues. There is no heat involved in this process.



novabone – NovaBone® is a calcium phospho silicate composed of elements naturally occurring in the body and has the proven ability to signal genetic pathways to accelerate natural bone growth.
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