Welcome to the new Dental Rat Website

BY: thayne
POSTED November 10, 2010 IN

Over the next few weeks we will be adding new functionality and content to this faster and more secure website. So please take a look around and let us know what you like and what you don’t like.

If you find anything doesn’t work or would like us to add something to this website — please let us know by sending us an email at support@dentalrat.com.

One last thing — as many of you all ready know we are on Facebook. We encourage you to visit us on Facebook and click on the “Like Us” button to keep update on all the fantastic discussion going on and ask any questions you might have.

Custom website design is our forte! We have been building custom one-off websites for nearly 20 years. Our custom sites are built from the ground up, no themes, no pre-built templates. We start with a blank slate and develop page layouts, repeating elements, headers/footers, custom post types etc from scratch. So your site can be uniquely yours. And when you desire a change, it can be easily accomplished without having to hack an existing theme or layout.
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